Got out on the bike today for the first time since before Xmas really. If you remember back a long I was hit bad with some nice funky asthma and as soon as I recovered from that the snow and ice came, so we're probably talking nearly 6 weeks!!!
Anyway, checked out the roads on Tuesday as we had to go into town to pick up some upholstery webbing for the sofa talented husband is building (you will see ALL soon!) and figured the roads were nearly ready to go on again with two wheels.
Apart from having to go up the main village road, rather than cut through the housing estate we usually do, and having to walk gingerly up our new ice rink (or lane as we used to call it) the rest of the ride was fine.
The gritters had done their job and the temp had stayed just above freezing last night so there was no sneaky ice patches waiting to get me.

It would have been a lovely ride into town had it not been for some IDIOT in a silver Astra complete with *cough*penisextension*cough* spoiler on the back who very nearly wiped both me AND Kim out. He passed so fast and so close that he nearly pulled me into the road.
Kim kept a beady eye out for his car in town but didn't find him.
We seriously have no trouble on the roads. We know a lot of the people using them, at least to raise a hand to, and 99% of people pass us at a sensible speed and give us space, even without the kids with us. But there is always the idiot. As I said to Kim though, you get the idiot factor when you are in a car as well.
Kim waiting for me to take pics, what a trooper :)
Ce la vie.
What you gonna do? Turn for home and never set foot out your house again? Probably more chance of getting killed in a car crash than getting killed on a bike.
Anyway, idiot aside, we got to town in one piece and I set to my mission.
My plan today was to note down prices for fruit and veg in the local shop and the little farmers cabin and compare them with the supermarket prices.
I'm hoping there will be little to no difference as once I get the trailer up together I want to do as much of our shopping in the little town rather than drive all the way to Big town or have to get it delivered.
The cabin especially uses a lot of local produce so is doubly green!
So after spending a few minutes scribbling down prices like some demented vegetable spotter, we cycled home again.
Dunnydeer Hill Fort, as seen from the Insch/ Auchleven road.
I was really pleased to feel not that unfit considering.
I didn't need to stop, could still talk while cycling up hill and felt good when I came home.
I do need to get fitter I know I've put on weight, even though me and the scales have not been on speaking terms since before Xmas (my jeans declining to do up though said more than any words could). So back to cycling :)
It took me a couple of minutes to realize "gritter man" was akin to our snow plow/salt/sand trucks!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos...what a beautiful road to get to bike. We have our fair share of idiot drivers, too, even on the back roads. Most are courteous when we're out on the horses, but one or two (usually teens) blow by way too fast and don't move over. Thank goodness I have road broke horses and plenty of room on the sides of the roads to escape if needed. And we've needed to a few times.
You'll have to let us know if there was a big price difference between veg/fruits at the diff. markets.
Heehee..dontcha just love the little confussions that pop up in the English language ;)
ReplyDeleteThe guy who nearly ran us off the road was I THINK (only by judging on the car though)a younge guy. Its the young racers who go past the bikes too fast and close BUT we have always found that its OLDER guys (just retired types)who give us the most trouble with the horses. I think the younge lads are too worried about having 1/2 ton of animal sitting on their car lol.
Just an update...I did some sum's last night and suprisingly the big supermarket is NOT cheaper for fruit and veg. For sure their "exotic" fruit like satsuma's, banana's and grapes are cheaper but things like potatos and carrots are HALF PRICE in the small store. How's that for a clever bit of big business marketing??
Will be doing a "local" shop early next week so will post about that :)