
So I thought I should write a little about this somewhere accessible. 
I’m never sure what to call myself, because, like life, few things are black and white.
So lets be clear:
I consume, no meat, fish, dairy, commercial eggs or honey (more about later),  
I have rescue hens and eat their eggs. This doesn’t contribute to the industry, this doesn’t infringe on their way of life. As ex- commercial layers they don’t get “broody” and ache to sit on eggs… they lay them and move on.
My Eco nature (and budget) means that rescuing animals means living frugally, and any free food is welcome.
Thank you chickens ;)
I’ve been told this makes me not vegan.
I fail to see how that makes me not vegan while a vegan feeding meat to her cat is still vegan.
They directly contributed to animal suffering… I did not.
So whatever….
I also buy local honey for medicinal use.
Personally I find it kinder to use honey from the hobby bee keeper to treat coughs and colds, than it does to buy medicine from a Glaxo Smith Kline company.
My life is one of limiting harm.
I got off my arse and lost weight and got fit so I could dump my asthma meds.
I keep my eco and animal foot print small.
I really don’t give a fuck if you want to play the “I’m a better vegan than you” game….. most of you grow up in the end.
However if you still think I’m being cruel eating my hens eggs, feel free to send asks… I answer all animal questions happily. Most objections are as vague as omnivore objections to a vegan diet…. which is ironic.


  1. You are not exploiting your hens, just living in harmony with them and appreciating what they are able to give. I bet that they are as happy to contribute to your needs as you are to meet theirs.

  2. Thank you anonymous person :)


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