I want to share these ideas with you and so here is my first one....
Your own re-usable loose fruit/veg bag!

To make your own all you need is one of those natty little plastic string bags that oranges and lemons come in.
Cut it open carefully then thread some string or yarn in and out the holes at the top to make a little draw string and VOILA! Your own re-usable loose goods bag.
This also has the added bonus of foxing checkout girls while they try to work out why there are onions in a lemon bag and can't find a price.
Be kind and explain, they're not used to people taking initiative ;)
I REALLY want to hear your ideas so, if you have a great one and want to share, send it to me with a picture (no more than 500 pixels please!) and I'll pop it up with your name on it!
Send your idea and pic to,
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