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In what instance would you home school your children?
To ensure a correct education 3 (60%)
To ensure a better mix of friends beyond age. 0 (0%)
If my child was being bullied. 1 (20%)
If my child was behind peers academically. 0 (0%)
If my child was ahead of peers academically. 0 (0%)
Because it's my choice. 1 (20%)
I wouldn't home school 0 (0%)
An important issue to address here is surely why 60% of parents would home school to ensure a correct education for their children!
Schools were made to offer children a good level of education but time and again it seems we as parents have little faith in their ability to.
I know I'm not alone in looking at the three piles of reading, homework and projects sat on the table after school every afternoon and wondering what it is they DO in their that means so much work has to come home with them!
And this is before you take into account any special educational needs your child may have.
20% sited bullying as their main reason.
If I was in a position of having to take my child out of school due to bullying I would not hesitate. You would not be expected to put up with daily peril and stress in a workplace, why should it be any different at school? How can a child receive a good education when they spend their whole time watching their back?
And the last 20% said they would home school because it was their choice. SO many parents are pushed into sending their children into the factory farm equivalent of education because they don;t realise they DO have a choice. Use it or lose it so the saying goes.
What are YOUR thoughts???
This is something I definitely have to do more research about as it is an option on the table for us with Tristan. One of my fears it that he will get lost in the shuffle if he is in a mainstream school because class sizes are so big and funding is low for educational assistants for kids with special needs.
ReplyDeleteBullying and him being made fun of are other fears I also have. I know probably all parents are afraid of this but when you have a child with special needs I think this fear becomes magnified.
My biggest concern with homeschooling is the social aspect. As much as I hated highschool I would hate for my kids to miss out on things like being in the band, musicals, proms, dances, sports teams etc.
I have two principals and many teachers in my family as well as a few friends that are teachers. I'll have to get their point of view on homeschooling, and homeschooling when a child has special needs.
Have you made any decisions Kelly?
I havn't yet but I must admit its all leaning towards homeschooling from 11, before they would start secondary school.
ReplyDeleteLike you the BIG thing I am worried about it socialising..although saying that Ollie is getting more and more mobile off his own steam and is still only 9..he has friends in the village.
If we were not so rural I wouldn;t wrry so much...their would be more in the way of free or cheap activities where he could meet other kids.
It is a toughie but I have set myself the task of making a decsision by this time next year. Thats still 18 months before he's 11.
If their are significant educational changes by then I don't know, there are bills being lobbied at parliment for more vocatinal training rather than all schools pushing for kids to go to university http://www.edgeforum.co.uk/
Anyway..incase you didn't see it a GREAT feature by one of my favourite colomists at the times on how it was growing up being homeschooled!
Check it out!! Very funny ;)