Its official! Alfie, the youngest son, is on 2 wheels and steering AND stopping! From only 3 weeks ago being scared of his bike he is now wizzing round the place as fast as his brothers.
Granted when he stops he dismounts and lets the bike fall over and he still likes help to get started, but the basics are there so we're happy!
This all means that he should be uber confident when we get a tag a long bike.
The little blue bike is ready for Owen, gears all reconditioned so he is ready to hit the road as it were.
Had a lovely cycling day today.
Took Ollie, eldest, for a bike ride into town so he could try out his new bike properly. We went to the library and the shop (note to self, get a bigger bag or a basket!)and cycled home again.
Traffic was more frequent today but most went past sensibly, apart form a couple of lads racing in sooped up suburus, over taking at high speed on a blind bend...So I shouted and flipped the finger and felt much better ;)
After lunch took the boys (and their bikes) to the park and they met up with some friends and had some bike races down the footie field, its great to see them so independant.
I was much happier on the bike today.
I think as much of my bike riding as a kid/teenager was urban I didn't find it as hard to loose my fear of the traffic as Kim did. Two trips and it feels like an extension of me again.
I'm finding it great to push my body again and finding it responds how I expect it to!
This week a local art gallery is having an exibition so me and Kim are going to cycle up in the week and then at the weekend I am going to take Ollie. He is really looking forwards to it and so am I.
Its funny.
I remember when we were without a car a couple of years ago and how trapped I felt. I didn;t leave the village for about 3 weeks and got really upset about it. This time round I feel great. I havn't once thought "Oh if only we had the car!" And even though we HAVE now it has only been out once, and that was only to run it into town to get fuel ;)
So silly to think a bike makes me feel more indipendant. I now feel like its ok, I can look after myself again, its stopped me relying on other people (well husband mostly) and although its a morbid thought...(eek!)..> I suddenly feel calm, like if something happened to Kim tomorrow it would be OK...I could look after me and the kids no trouble ( I LOVE YOU DARLI'N!! MAY YOU LIVE A 1000 YEARS!!) lol.
Have a great weekend bloggers x
Yay for your youngest getting the bicycle down!! I remember stopping like that too. How fun that must be to have all your kids able to go for a ride.
ReplyDeleteI think I must be similar to your husband, its taken me a bit to get comfortable riding with traffic. I still freak out a little bit if a large truck or transport passes me, especially if I'm towing the kids.
Good for you for feeling that sense of empowerment! I'm not quite there yet with the bikes. I love them and definelty have found we don't need a car. But miss the idea of having a car for a quick getaway.
Quick getaway? Are you planning on robbing a bank? heehee..that would be funny..peddling away like mad!
ReplyDeleteI may change my mind as the weather sets in so I won't be smug just yet ;)
There may be a distinct air of cabin fever around the posts in January!
Ya it would be funny to see my little legs peddling so fast! No I guess I have this paranoia of some sort of attack or natural disaster and we need to get out of the city quick or something. I think I'm still tramatized by the blackout we had for a few days back in 2003 I think.
ReplyDeleteI hear on the cabin fever!! Although our bike trailer can be outfitted so that I could pull it with cross country skiis ;)