Friday, 8 March 2013

*Hits head against wall*

The two youngest boys got in trouble yesterday and as usual I find myself wishing I could home school.
Don't get me wrong, If they're naughty they SHOULD get punished, but it seems more and more that the teachers at this school are only happy with girls.
It often feels like the boys (and its not just my boys) are punished for being...well... boys.
They get banned from playing football because of ONE child (hardly fair), movement isn't encouraged, bullying by a couple of the older "good" girls seems to be overlooked.

Dear god..... I don't want to be one of those "I know they're no angels, but...." mothers, but their school experience isn't so great for them.
Even my eldest backed them up.
He's a people pleaser, so never said anything while he was at that school, but now readily agrees and gives his own anecdotes about unfairness.

Its not this school.... its all of them.

The youngest two have no enthusiasm for school now, although they both have inquiring minds at home they just don't see the point of bothering at school.

My youngest especially has a hard time, and his anxiety manifests itself at home.... He's much calmer during the holidays for example.

If I had the oppotunity to be more mobile and DO things I'd seriously consider homeschool.
I'm just scared that if I did take them out of school there'd be nothing for them to do after a while.

Sucks that the public transport here is so rubbish and expensive...

Rant over :/              


  1. Is there no learning mentor / pastoral care manager / good male-role models (at the school) to support them? Boys development means they NEED very different teaching from girls to inspire and encourage them - we all know that!

  2. Sadly no. Its a tiny school of 30 pupils and no male staff. I have a meeting next week though, so fingers x'd for some clarity :)


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