I suffer from a lack of rugs in my house but, rightly so, am always wary of buying them as a) they're an expense I can't justify and b) invariably with 3 kids, 3 dogs, a cat and a husband, they get filthy.
Anyway, the other day I was in an proper old fashioned hardware store, mooching about while his-self looked at bolts or nails or fecking armadillo polish, I don't know... when I wandered into the carpet section.
They have small selection of carpet to order and big blocks of samples.
My eye fell on a shelf in the corner full of samples from discontinued ranges.
So... guess what I did next?
First pick 6 tiles of similar density.
Next, grab a heavy duty needle and some string and stitch the tiles together end to end.
Now, put by the fire and watch various small animals gravitate towards it.
Gonzo approves of frugal ruggage.....
So yeah. The idea is if it gets dirty or SOMEONE (points up) pee's on it, I can just snip the string off one square and shove it in the washing machine.
One large deep pile checked rug: £3.00
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