Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Facebook gets a bad rap a lot of the time.
Even though 200 million world wide use it, it seems that its not done to admit you use it or even (horror) enjoy using it!

Nice Grown Ups Middle Class People like to look down on Facebook as something which people with too much time on their hands poddle about on. They think its for kids or for 40 year old men living in their Mums back bedroom.

So you see, its easy to get a little paranoid about using it. Keeping quiet about your online life seems to be the "Adult" thing to do.

NGUMC people like to laugh about "pretend" friends and throwing sheep at other FaceBookers (which... sorry guys.... dates you. No one has thrown a sheep for about 2 years ;)

The thing is, social networking sites like Facebook are multi layered, and like real life, you receive as much as you look for.
For sure you can waste hours of your life setting up virtual farms or zoos and trawling through the news updates of 1500 "friends" but you can also make FB work FOR you.

They key word here is Network.
FB was set up as an online networking site.

Through joining groups/pages and commenting on posts, you start dialogues with new people.
Some of my dearest online friends I have met this way.
Some of my real life friends I have met this way as well.

I now have a small network of friends who support my ideals as I in turn support theirs. We share gardening tips, vegan anecdotes, parenting ups and downs, horse woes and yays, artistic critiques.

I don't "poke".

The novelty for that wore off years ago.

Through FB I have met some amazing and inspiring people, not just online but in Real Life too.
I've swapped, bought, sold and gifted items and had the same back.
I've found work through friends of friends.
I've wallowed in the ideas pool and taken all I can carry.
I've even got chickens through FB!

There's also the human interaction thing as well.

When you're at home, either working, taking care of kids or whatever, there is often a real lack in "adult" conversation during the working day.
Sometimes just venting on a status (Arrrrggghhh!!! Clients cancelled and messed my whole day up!) can means that the one or two people who comment back sympathising or giving you their own tale of woe, can buck you up a little, make you smile.

Sometimes I think the scoffers simply don't understand it.
Its easier to deride something you don't get than admit you find it confusing.
Like the Greek philosopher who derided the written word as the downfall of youth, for words written down would dull the minds of those who won't need to remember things, they see something this popular as only bad for intellect in general.

For every FB group that is childish or mean, there are many more that are welcoming, informative, charitable and giving.

Still not convinced?
Heres a few examples....

http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_169517559727246&ap=1 Eco interest FB group.
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_145907615465178&ap=1 Friends of container gardening, helping villages in Malawi.
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_173747075997223&ap=1  eco urban sustainability.
http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_108016595941197&ap=1 Pay it forwards, being nice for being nices sake :)

So want to connect?

My FB page , come along and say hi! Just remember to leave me a message, I don't add people who don't introduce themselves first!  ;)

There's always the block button for weirdos and stalkers ;)  


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