I shan't bore you with my own tales of cleaning house, although people who have been IN my house will tell you that any state of cleanliness is nothing short of a miracle.
A couple of blog inspired me over the last few days,
My Zero Waste
365 Less Things
These are all running with a live with less, declutter, spring clean theme at the moment so pop on over there for your own inspiration!
Although a clean was very much needed I decided that the priority should be to declutter.
I'm a hoarder or the first degree. That cracked jam jar lid will come in useful one day, I just KNOW it! Then when something does come in handy I use it a justification for keeping the rest of the crap :P
So with an open mind I cleaned out all the baskets that hold bake-ware, tupperware and other odds and sods. I paired up all the pots with lids and all the spare lids are put to one side, I'm giving it two days to find all the pots, tubs and bowls that go with the lids before I throw the odd lids away.
I got a big box of spare knives, bakeware, trivets (how many DID I need?) the bread bin I never use, the tea cosy which has been used once.... You get the picture.
So all of a sudden I am the owner of all this SPACE!!!
I have organised baskets so no more hunting for lids to go with lunch boxes. I sorted it out so much that I ended up with empty baskets!
So not exciting to many but very to me.
I was aiming for this..............
But what I actually got was this look.....
Next time I'll call this guy................. ;)
If you call him, there won't be ANY cleaning done!