Wednesday, 29 December 2010


Nearly New year.


This year my kids will be 11, 8 and 7.
I will have been married 11 years, with Kim for 13 years .
We will have been in Scotland for 9 years, the longest I have ever stayed anywhere.

Looking back at last January's entries I realised I hadn't made any resolutions!

I can't help feeling that this willful omission meant that 2010 was somewhat aimless, disjointed.

So This year I won't let that be an excuse!
Here are my resolutions for 2011, and if I don't get on the way to completing  them by 2012...... well..... I hope I will at least have tried!


Number 1. Get Fit! 

The idea is to get fitter NOT to diet. Its so tempting to focus on one aspect of your body, but what I really want to do is eat well, exercise and feel better about myself. If I do all that right then weight loss should be a handy side effect. Toying with the idea of doing one of those "photo every day" diaries with a mind to putting it on youtube when I'm fitter/healthier/slimmer....

Number 2: Grow Grow Grow!

Our self sufficient ideals are great in theory but always seem to get stalled by commitments (real or imaginary) elsewhere. Kim and I have been planning a new, low maintenance garden using a combination of square foot growing and permaculture. As in the last few years we want more trees to add to the 9 apple trees we already have. We're also toying with the idea of rescuing more hens, our space is capable of taking more and we plan to get movable fencing so we can move them around the veggie garden to help deal with slugs n snails without snacking on the crops!

Number 3. Make time for me.

I am terrible at not grabbing time for me. A few times this year I have felt dispirited, upset and hopeless as I felt like I worked for everyone else and ignored my needs (although this was MOSTLY in my head). Especially with the horses, I found myself feeling like the family groom, doing all the shit and not getting any pleasure from it. My own horse has had a couple of years of health problems that are now **knock wood** better ad he is good to go as soon as I am. This year I plan to get back in the saddle on a regular basis and start competing again for fun and for the joy of letting my competitive streak rear its uncompromising head again. *heehee*


What was I saying about not making time for me?
Well those of you who know me from other places know I am a book nerd, writer of features (an interesting mix of equestrian and paganism, although not the moment!), short stories, some of which can be seen HERE and HERE (posted by Kelly). I've been writing since school, I've been told I don't suck, its the ONE thing I want to do, but crippling insecurity has stopped me pursuing all but the most fragile of careers in literature. We could blame an army of English teachers who ignored my fiction and only berated my spelling (dyslexia). So I have a complex, I didn't go to University and it SHOULDN'T matter but some days I feel it might. This  year I want to concentrate on the book I've been writing for a few months. Although short stories and novellas are my favourite medium publishers won't touch them. So this year I'm going  to do it..... maybe..... Aww crap.....

Soooo..... What are YOU going  do for the better this year?


  1. I didn't go to university either. Hated school. Teachers said I was 'average' (that was a load of crap, I am definately not average!!!). Those stupid teachers didn't realise what they were missing with us guys! Don't let 'em get you down - you are amazing - write that book. I'm waiting to read it x

  2. Heehee... yeah... what is it they say? "Those that can DO thse that can't teach?" No thats mean lol. I had 3 or 4 GREAT teachers and a whle lot of ones who ignred or derided me. didn't make trouble, I had problems with maths and English (dyslexia and dyscalculia) and so I wasn't worth the bother. I had also decided to work with horses, which meantthey didn't need to bother with me AT ALL. I do need to swallow my fear and get out there :S

  3. I had a couple of great teachers too (Art and English). So it wasn't all bad. I do, however, feel that they missed my best bits and concentrated on my not so good areas! I too used to love horses, until I discovered boys!! Keep up your great work into 2011 xxxx Love being connected with you Kelly xxxx


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