Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Today is a very special day!!

Not only is it this blogs birthday BUT its also the 100th post!!!
Couldn't have planned it could I!!!!

Well, so much has happened since we started on this road 12 months ago.

We started with the death of our old car and the very first post The car dies...No flowers please talks about our hopes and plans as we change our lifestyle.
Our first days produced interesting feelings not dissimilar to kicking an addiction! Kicking the habit makes a note of how addictive something as simple as driving a car can be!
The complexities of lunch and other ways to alienate yourself. Was one of our first posts that gave a little insight into how being Vegan (and also dairy free for medical reasons) can be a royal pain in the arse!
The realities of not being well off are apparent when going car less as I wrote about in Money and other ways to make your life choices that much harder.
An occasional feature, which I MUST start up again, was Meatless Monday were I share some vegan recipes, our first one  Meatless Monday :- Bean burgers and soya cheese. seemed a success!
The problems of trying to use public transport are highlighted in  Public transport and other things that SHOULD make car-less easier....but don't  a subject that is still a bone of contention nearly a year later.
Its not just us that made the change! Our pets had a green make over too in  Eco pets~ How far will you go to make your pet green? How do your pets save the earth!?
Even when we were (almost) Car-less we knew it wasn't practical for everyone, especially in rural areas so we embraced thoughtful car use in Can't give up the car? Green your outlook anyway :D
Being vegan is important to us so This Vegan life.  hopefully showed some of you why we live as vegan as possible 
Choosing an ethic to follow slavishly can mean compromising on other important ethics Which ethic should I follow today? ponders on how to solve this problem.
Our first Power Off Weekend is documented in Power Off Weekend Diary a fantastic weekend organised by the passionate people at TouchWood.
Xmas was so much fun this year with lots of homemade pressies and lots of green ideas and tips in How Green was your Xmas. 
Four months of snow at the beginning of 2010, seriously curtailed our cycling activities! But Not QUITE at the stage of cannibalism, but..... shows that there are silver linings to every situation.
Poverty and going green. touches on the misconception that to live green you need money.
We spent four months living without a fridge or freezer the start of it all was in  Goodbye fridge, hello interesting times! we learnt so much from this experience and its one we can't wait to repeat once the cooler weather kicks in again!
Of course Everything evolves. And some lessons learnt and situation changes meant we had to become more fluid in our thinking and marked the change from the blog being "The (almost) Car-Less Family" to "Various Shades of Green" !

Its been fun going through these highlights and I hope you have some fun re-reading some of the older posts and maybe commenting on some you missed first time around!

A big birthday thank you goes out to some of Various Shades of Greens blogging friends....

Malcolm and Rachel over at The TouchWood Project for their unflagging enthusiasm for all things green .
Rachelle at My Zero Waste for inspiring others to cute waste and recycle
Mark at Freeconomy blog for his vision of a moneyless world.
The Post Punk Kitcken gals for the yummy vegan recipes I keep gaining weight on :P

And of course all the fantastic people who read this blog and take the time to comment...you all know who your are ;)

So raise a glass and a slice of vegan cake and here's to another 12 months :D

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