Saturday, 6 March 2010

PowerOff Weekend mark II !! Friday 19th March - Sun 21st March 2010.

I'm sure you all remember the fantastic PowerOff Weekend last December, if not you can read the diary I wrote for that HERE.

Well its time for round two! And this time I want you all to join in with us!!
No excuses now ;)

So what does it involve?
Simple, 48 hrs without electric, so no TV, internet, radio, computer games, electric cooker, electric hot water. electric heating, fridge, freezer, microwave.. You get the idea.

"Oh horrible! Terrible! Besides..." *shift eyes, wringing hands* "I can't do it...I have work/ friends visiting/ kids......(add extra get out clauses here!)"

I KNOW you guys and I KNOW you want to do it SO I want you all to know that I am here (along with Malcolm Handoll from Orkney) to hold your hand, to guide you through the problems. If you have a concern or question for gawd's sake ask me!! You could even plan to just do one day or only daylight hours? A little this time and maybe the whole 48 hrs next time.
Life isn't an all or nothing!

We learnt a lot from the last POW and I feel I can answer most questions sensibly.

Malcolm posted a FAQ spot on the last post about POW dec '09 HERE so you can have a little look there and maybe find your concern answered satisfactorily.
Unlike Malcolm I have kids and so can answer first hand your fear about how kids handle electricity deprivation, as well as basic safety concerns (ie, naked flames etc).

A nice touch is that this POW falls over the Wiccan celebration of Ostera (You know, the ones the Christian church stole and called Easter ;) so what better way to celebrate the re-birth of the land than doing something to protect it, even for one weekend.

You are brave passionate people, you can do this little thing!
So Comment!! Share your enthusiasm as well as your worries and reservations and we can support each other.



  1. I don't think we could do the whole weekend, but like you said maybe even just the daylight hours. I'll have to think through how I'd cook for the kids. I'd be able to make meals ahead of time its just reheating I'd have a problem with. Any suggestions? And we might not be able to unplug our fridge and I don't think we'd be able to turn off the furnace or sump pump. But I'll think what other ways we can power off as much as possible. Perhaps I'll get a blog post out of it!

  2. Great Idea andrea :)
    How about planning a cook out (weather permitting!!) wrap up warm and fire up the BBQ.
    As far as the fridge and freezer is concerned, so long as they are left shut, and its only for a few hours anyway, everything will stay fresh. Just remember to take out anything you want to need in that time frame.
    Let me know if you ahv any specific worries!

  3. I should have thought of that, BBQ, being Canadian we BBQ no matter what the weather! And today its 10 degrees and they're calling for 14 degrees on friday!! Hopefully this will continue! Come on spring!


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