Wednesday, 29 December 2010


Nearly New year.


This year my kids will be 11, 8 and 7.
I will have been married 11 years, with Kim for 13 years .
We will have been in Scotland for 9 years, the longest I have ever stayed anywhere.

Looking back at last January's entries I realised I hadn't made any resolutions!

I can't help feeling that this willful omission meant that 2010 was somewhat aimless, disjointed.

So This year I won't let that be an excuse!
Here are my resolutions for 2011, and if I don't get on the way to completing  them by 2012...... well..... I hope I will at least have tried!


Number 1. Get Fit! 

The idea is to get fitter NOT to diet. Its so tempting to focus on one aspect of your body, but what I really want to do is eat well, exercise and feel better about myself. If I do all that right then weight loss should be a handy side effect. Toying with the idea of doing one of those "photo every day" diaries with a mind to putting it on youtube when I'm fitter/healthier/slimmer....

Number 2: Grow Grow Grow!

Our self sufficient ideals are great in theory but always seem to get stalled by commitments (real or imaginary) elsewhere. Kim and I have been planning a new, low maintenance garden using a combination of square foot growing and permaculture. As in the last few years we want more trees to add to the 9 apple trees we already have. We're also toying with the idea of rescuing more hens, our space is capable of taking more and we plan to get movable fencing so we can move them around the veggie garden to help deal with slugs n snails without snacking on the crops!

Number 3. Make time for me.

I am terrible at not grabbing time for me. A few times this year I have felt dispirited, upset and hopeless as I felt like I worked for everyone else and ignored my needs (although this was MOSTLY in my head). Especially with the horses, I found myself feeling like the family groom, doing all the shit and not getting any pleasure from it. My own horse has had a couple of years of health problems that are now **knock wood** better ad he is good to go as soon as I am. This year I plan to get back in the saddle on a regular basis and start competing again for fun and for the joy of letting my competitive streak rear its uncompromising head again. *heehee*


What was I saying about not making time for me?
Well those of you who know me from other places know I am a book nerd, writer of features (an interesting mix of equestrian and paganism, although not the moment!), short stories, some of which can be seen HERE and HERE (posted by Kelly). I've been writing since school, I've been told I don't suck, its the ONE thing I want to do, but crippling insecurity has stopped me pursuing all but the most fragile of careers in literature. We could blame an army of English teachers who ignored my fiction and only berated my spelling (dyslexia). So I have a complex, I didn't go to University and it SHOULDN'T matter but some days I feel it might. This  year I want to concentrate on the book I've been writing for a few months. Although short stories and novellas are my favourite medium publishers won't touch them. So this year I'm going  to do it..... maybe..... Aww crap.....

Soooo..... What are YOU going  do for the better this year?

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Have a Very Vegan Xmas!

Although some of us are old hands at cooking Veggie or vegan for Xmas many people are facing their first major hurdle ……………

                                   The first meat free XMAS!!

Its such a big deal, it’s a monumental shift in the way we see Xmas, which as a holiday is really more about the food than the gifts.

Like lots of traditions (Putting up your tree, carolling, watching specific Xmas movies) food is one of those things that really sets the mood.

So here is a quick guide to animal free eating this year!

Mince pies

Most store bought pies have butter in them, but lets face it, its much nicer to eat homemade pies!! You don’t have to be a pastry chef either! My homemade pastry leaves a lot to be desired so I cheat. A jar of mince (check the ingredients but MOST are OK) and some pre-made short crust pasty are all you need to make delectable mince pies. Use as glass to cut round if you don’t have pastry cutters, grease a pie tin, put it all together and bake at @ 180oC for @ 15-20 mins or until golden. Sprinkle icing sugar over the top when they come out the oven, allow to cool slightly and then remove from the pie tin!


What can you make a bee line for at a party buffet??? Not much if “Mums gone to Iceland”. Stick to breadsticks and veggies then pig out on mince pies when you get home!!! Even better have your OWN party. You can make seasonal favourites vegan in a flash.

Use veggie sausages and pre-rolled puff pasty (Not butter pastry!) to make sausage rolls.

Make cheese straws with pastry and nutritional yeast.

Mini quiche with tofu.

Cheese boards with fake cheese and crackers.

Pates are easy to make with mushrooms and nuts (and taste heaps better!)

Some crisps are vegan friendly (although for their association with Procter and gamble I have to say no to Pringles!)

And of course don’t forget veggies and dips!!!

The BIG day!

What about Xmas lunch?????

Can you eat it without the ghost of Turkeys past??

The traditional nut roast is a bit of a joke in many circles but whatever… I love them! Try the Magical loaf studio for basic ideas and then make them festive by using chestnuts, cranberries etc.

The trick is (like cooking meat!) to make sure the loaf doesn’t dry out, you want a firm but moist loaf, not a crumbly heap! Veggie loaf is much tastier the next day so make one on xmas eve then heat the next day, wrapping it in foil to prevent burning and drying.

Remember as well, everything tastes good in puff pastry, so go wild!

Loved pigs in blankets??

No problem.

This year I am wrapping Vegi Deli sausages in Vegi Deli slices and cooking with the potatoes…. Should work, but we’ll see!

The rest of it is generally easy…..

Potatoes roasted in veg oil, carrots, sprouts and chestnuts, sage and onion stuffing, mashed swede, homemade gravy….. Nope, no animals here!

Even store bought xmas pudding often has no egg, dairy or other animal products in it, enjoy with a dollop of vegan cream like Grano vita.

This year I made my own xmas cake from an adapted recipe from the Down-to-earth blog. Just replace the eggs with a cup of milk that’s sat for a few mins with a tbsp of cider vinegar in it. It rose well and was light and smells very xmasy!!!


Lots consumed over the festive period!

Although its hard to check your alcohol when your out and about you can at least make sure the stuff you buy in is veggie or vegan. The Co-op labels all its wine (all its products in fact) clearly as veggie, vegan or not and their own brand vegan wine is cheap and very cheerful!

Xmas away?

If your staying with a none vegan family over xmas it can be hard….. Remember to pack your deflector shield!!!!

Make sure your host knows exactly what you won’t eat BUT make sure you say it nicely! The most sensible thing to do is to offer to bring your own main meal and help with the cooking. If they like to cook veg and then slather it in butter ask then to set a little aside for you before they do. If they cook potatoes in goose fat ask if you can cook your own, or if maybe they could pop a few potatoes in with the stuffing (in a tin!) and cook those with veg oil.

Be aware that a kitchen at xmas is stressful.

It may be easier for you to take a whole meal with you (one that is quick and easy to heat up) than to stand over your stressed hosts shoulder pointing out their mistakes.

Be sure to bring plenty though, amazing how often other diners will want to try a fork full!

Lastly, remember this is a time to get together with the ones you love.

Your family, your friends, its NOT a time to pick fights about what’s on every ones plates.

Remember how you used to eat what they are eating now?

Show them how much you enjoy the food you are eating, answer sensible questions and ignore anyone who tries to bait you.

Make 2011 the year of learning how to be a great cook and invite them all over for xmas dinner next year!

And remember…. If all else fails….. There’s always Bingo!!!!

Merry Xmas!

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Xmas money savers Part 4.

Every year Green minded people hum and hah over the greenest way to decorate the house for Xmas. Now on the surface it would appear that a real tree is the greenest way to go, after all fake trees are made from petro chemicals, will sit forever in a landfill once dicarded..... so its a no brainer right?

Only its not always.

After all, the journy of a real tree is not all magic and fairy dust.
For a start the the trees are planted as a commerical crop, often sprayed with pesticides and weedkillers. The fossil fules used to plant them, spary them, tend them and then finally cut and transport them also have to be taken into account. 
Its worth remembering that few trees are grown locally to the majority of people, so if you live in London your tree may have come from as far away as Scotland or even abroad. When these trees are cut early in the season and the season is a mild one there is also a need to refrigerate these trees to keep them fresh!

And after?
Of course a real tree can be composted, but how many households have the space to compost a whoel tree, even if they used a chipper? 
So instead the councils send out fuel drinking lorries to pick up the discarded trees.

As evergreens the trees don't even pump out that much Oxygen to compensate.

So, what to do for the best???

A nice compromise could be to plant a tree outside a cionveniant window, decorating it with lights suitable for outside. 
A tree in a pot can work well for a few years so long as its acclimatized slowley and not put in a very warm room.

What about alternatives?

Can a fake tree ever be green?

I think ours is.
We got our "new" tree from a friend via Freegle and as it is over 30 years old I think it can now safely be considered carbon nuteral! Of course there is still the disposale to consider but its strong and sturdy and likely to give us many many years of use.  
Athe end of the day its all a compromise.
I'm glad we stopped a tree ending up in a landfill and got a tree for free :)


Mantle piece display with home dried orange. 

Home made (by my Mum!) knitted xmas decorations!

The whole tree

Fairy lights adorn our Glastonbury prints by Norman Parker

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Xmas money savers part 3.


Presents often make up the bulk of what we spend over the Xmas season,and while I wouldn't suggest that the kids should make do with a bit of string, a stick and a satsuma on the big day, there ARE a lot of ways you can cut down the cost.

*When you HAVE to buy new.
Lets face it, that Buzz lightyear or must have Barbie is unlikely to turn up for free. Be prepared and shop for special items early in the season and shop around to find the best deals. If shopping online, go for a site that has all the items you want. Its worth paying a little extra for your item if you can save on not shelling out postage costs to three or four separate sites!

*Charity shops.
Don't be alarmed! Charity shops are full of hidden gems! Books, DVD's and CD's are often found in as new condition in charity shops. Snap up bags full of toy staples like Lego or train track to re-package yourself.
Charity shops often also have unwanted Xmas decorations as well!

One of my boys is going to be pleased with this charity shop haul!!!

*Organise a swapping party. (Great tip Sandie!)
Get together with friends and swap your kids unwanted or outgrown toys/ books/movies for new-to-them ones!

*Make your own!
Nothing says love like homemade <3
Chocolates, toys, jars of preserves, toiletries, clothes, the list is as long as your talents!

Here are some things we have made ....

Kim made this farm set for Owen a coupld of years ago. Super sturdy and much played with for only a few pounds and some time!

Oliver went through a real knights phase for a coupld of years and Kim made the big castle first and then the smaller "baddie" castle the following year. Much of the wood was from scrap we had in the shed, as was the paint. Again, very sturdy, surviving being stood on, dropped and left outside. Compare that with an expensive plastic one he had that was broken with a couple of months.   

This year I turned this......

......Into THIS!!
Home made cosmetics for my mum and sister!
Inspired by my sisters bathbombs last year, I wanted to make some nice pampering treats for Xmas day. So much nicer than an expensive set from superdrug or tesco... Vegan, cruelty free and (mosty) organic! And for PENCE each!
Left to right I made, Lip scrub, lip balm, body scrub and moustiriser.

Want to know how?

Lip scrub- For kissable lips *Mwah*. Simply mix sugar and olive oil for a mild and sweet exfoliant!
Lip Balm- Melt shea butter, add a little plantine oil (or olive oil) and a dash of peppermint essence. Tip into contaner and it cools hard.
Bodyscrub- FINE sea salt ( I learnt the painful way that coarse is no good for this!) and olive oil, mix to sedired consistancy and pot.
Moustireser- Melt shea butter, soild coconut oil, olive oil and lavender essential oil, mix and pot. Adding more oil gives a runnier consitancy, or you can add less and have a harder cream (it softens readily in yo hands).     

I used plastic pots for these, although glass would look nicer I had to take the weight into account because of postage issues!!

So there you go.
Feel free to share your own frugle gift tips!   

Friday, 3 December 2010

Xmas money savers part 2

Sandie, a regular commenter here and a good facebook buddy, has shared some delightful photos of her boys home made Xmas decorations!

Turn these old bits of card into.....


Sandie says "They are really simple. Just four circles of card, with an equilateral triangle drawn and scored in the middle, then stick the flaps together!"

And heres what a homemade decorated tree looks like! Courtesy of Sandies Homeschool Group!

I LOVE homemade decorations, it must be inherited!! My mum still has a stick with pine cones on it that I painted and stuck glitter on when I was about 4!! That stick has come out every year at Xmas for the last 29 years!!!
She even  brings out two toilet roll tubes my sister decorated one year.
It just wouldn't be Xmas without them!
A quick search online throws up lots of amazing crafty ideas to make decorations, prefect for those "I'm booooooored!" moments between now and the big day.

Some to get you started....... 

How to Make Angels out of Recycled Christmas Cards

Hopefully there's enough here to wet your appetite for a recycled homemade Xmas :D
Share your pics!!!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Xmas money savers part 1

So .... Time for the countdown!!!!
And what better way to mark the days off till Xmas than with an advent calender!
The last couple of years we haven't had one..... The plain one's with just pictures seemed to have disappeared, the chocolate ones in the supermarkets for obvious reasons are no good to us, and the vegan ones too expensive (including postage!).
I often thought I would like one of those lovely fabric calenders with pockets you could pop treats into but again money gets in the way of buying frivolities like that.

So this year I made my own!!!!!

First I cut out xmasy pictures from magazines. I have to admit to being a sucker for home magazines at Xmas so this is a perfect way to justify my consumerism ;)
I stuck the pictures onto thick paper and then cut them out again.

On the back I wrote little notes, Sing a specific Xmas song, draw a picture, give everyone a hug and some even have the word SWEET on the back so that the receiver gets a little treat that time.  

I drew a tree on our black board wall (although obviously a large bit of paper would do as well) and using blu-tac I stuck the numbered pictures on.

So now the boys are taking turns to pick their number off the tree and do what the card says! Healthier than 24 chocolates, cost nothing and the cards can be recycled after the big day!!!  

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Here comes Santy Clause!!

I know the last few weeks have been a bit Vegan heavy.
Sometimes it just gets like that you know, so many things happen at the same time.


For those that have grown weary of the multiple vegan posts its time to talk XMASCHRISTYULE!!!!

Yup.... Just 3 days before December 1st and then its a slippery downhill run to the big day itself! 
Scary stuff.

Who going to admit they have all their gifts sorted and are smugly sitting there laughing at all the wild eyed people panicking around December 20th?

Well not me.

I have a dilemma though... How can I share my green, ethical, money saving Xmas pressie ideas when some of the recipients read the blog!!! Gaaa!

Curse my family for being interested!
I wouldn't have this problem if I wrote an anonymous sex blog or something ;)

Anyway.... While I ponder what to do about this (ban them till December 26th??) Here's a video of Badger getting stuck in the snow!
For the full video go to YOUTUBE
If you like the video PLEASE come to youtube and RATE and COMMENT on the video.

I get kicks out of stuff like that.

Enjoy x


Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Ex-Vegan venting ahoy!

I though very hard about whether to write a post about this blogger The (formally) Voracious (Vegan). Once one of Twitters most outspoken Vegans she shocked the blogsheper by doing a 360 back to eating meat.
She maintains that many vegans are lying about being vegan and are still eating meat (on the quiet) and selling us a lie.
She said that her 3 years of eating vegan caused her health problems and depleted her vitamin and minerals stores. She talks about depression, exhaustion and how we are "meant" to eat meat.

You can read her post HERE.

Now I wasn't sure how to take this at first.
For a moment I did the whole panic thing, after all, its not just ME or even me and Kim , its our children as well.
What if she was right?
What if we were wrong?
Could I make such a turn around?

First of all I have to say I am blessed with a level headed husband.
Kim is Mostly vegan (with slips into the occasional chocolate bar and once a year (so far in 2010!) shellfish meal) and came to it on his own and well informed. He NEVER just followed me and was keen to do his own research.
He read her post and concluded that she was (his words) "A nutter".

She was upset that some vegans had attacked her for doing something to save her health, but I'm not sure they did. Some offered advice (unwanted) others dared to ask if she had seen a specialized nutritionist rather than her regular GP (unanswered by blogger). Yet others pointed out that her gym routine was a little excessive.

Now while I have nothing against someone deciding to quit veganism, for health or other reasons, and on Twitter I initially supported her and commiserated with her dilemma, I quickly grew upset with how her message to the world changed. All of a sudden her life was full of Bacon, cheese, steak and how good it was and how she needed it and it became a little much, especially when only weeks before she had been vocally deriding anyone who ate meat.
Also, although she claims to have eaten an amazing diet, following her tweets (and pictures and posts from her blog) her "meals" looked like nice snacks or entres, but not enough to sustain. She talked of HUGE salads and I saw 3 lettuce leaves.
Her gym habbit also rang alarm bells. Every third tweet was "off to the gym for killer cardio work out!" This girl has a serious gym addiction.

Down to earth hubby pointed out that living where she does (Saudi Arabia) there would likely be very few fortified foods she could purchase. So although we can have fortified soya milk and cereals and "mock" meats she was likely to be only eating basic whole foods.
A lot of her food was Raw, she seemed to mostly follow a raw vegan diet, and while raw enthusiast claim that the diet is healthy, many health professionals are not convinced. Coking helps the food digest easier, so although raw food is super packed with vitamins and minerals, they are not as easily absorbed.

Now it could be that she is right.
Who am I to say that everyone can handle a vegan diet. everyone is different and individual lifestyles or health problems can be problematic with some diets.
Most people who objected to the post seemed to object to her attitude.
Once she has ran a hard line telling everyone to go vegan for their health, the environment, the animals. Now her stance is "Stupid vegans! Learn from my mistake! everyone should go Omnivore! For your health! For the enviroment!"

What would I do?
Say my Dr told me my health was in danger I had to eat meat.

Don't think I haven't thought about this before.
Could I go back to being a full on meat eater?
Probaly not, I could see myself compromising, adding a little wild caught fish or wild shot game once in a while but chowing down on pork, beef or chicken? Unlikely.

No scratch that.
Not at all.
Anything likely to have been factory farmed will not pass my lips.

So this bloggers first meal as a newly "awakened" meat eater?
Steak..... really.

So she said veganism left her with no energy... Kim works upto 14 hours a DAY at a highly physical job. He couldn't do that if his energy levels where not being met.
She said every meal left her bloated but hungry... If your body is only getting large amounts of raw food it will have to work super hard to digest it. A head of greens is not a meal.
She said her hair was thinning and she was always getting ill.... Anyone who knows me knows how thick my hair is, how Kim at 54 has more hair than men half his age, that my sons have hair longer and thicker than most girls (note to self, buy scissors!).
Sure we get the ocassional cold, but when you have kids at school its part of life, and it seems to me that some of my meat eating facebook friends have at least one "Ugh , have a cold :(" status a month so you can't say meat cures all.
She said that having to take vitamins is wrong, but have you ever tried to buy vegan vitamins? Out of the thousands and thousands I looked I found THREE suitable for vegans... which tells you something about the sort of people who take the most vitamins. Many health professionals think EVERYONE should take multi vitamins, especially B vitamins. So few of us eat really fresh organic foods that by the time something has been picked, shipped, sat in a shop and then sat in our house before we eat it.... well, can the vitamin content really be as high as all that? If science can help me be healthy I'm all for it.     

NO diet cures all.

I will NOT stand with the meat eaters/veggies/vegans/raw foodists and say "Come to our side for everlasting health an vitality!" Life doesn't work that way.

"Ah!" Some of you more militant vegans/meat eaters might say. "But you eat eggs!"   

Seriously, our hens give us maybe on average an egg a day out of the four of them... add them up over a week and divided by 5, is it REALLY going to make THAT much difference?  

OK, So I vented.

Eat what you want, but don't make me feel bad for not eating as you do.

Rest assured that the moment I suspect any of us are not in good health I would go to the GP.
I care about animals, but I care about my kids more. 

Want to read more? Ginny Messina, MPH, RD is a dietitian specializing in vegan nutrition writes an interesting follow up to the post HERE


Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Why I'm giving up forums- I AM VEGAN

I used to be a forum addict.
I LOVED finding a forum full of interesting people and ideas and shared goals.
I loved filling in my profile and choosing an avatar and introducing myself.

However I am now officially giving them up.

What have a learned about forums?

Mostly that in this sort of online situation you have a handful of extremists and the rest playing along to keep in with the cool kids.
I've lost count of the amount of times I have found myself playing devils advocate because people are talking bollocks basically.
I even once found myself DEFENDING fox hunting because the loud mouth who was banging on about it was horse rider (ie rich bastard toff) bashing and missing all the good points he could of been making! Instead of focusing on the fact that hunting was cruel he used it as a platform to stage a class war.

It seems that the world of forums are full of "Polly Pures", people who are the very heroes we mere mortals aspire to be.
If you use a green soap powder you can bet someone uses soap nuts, and that someone else hand washed and yet another person only uses  rain water and all the way up to "PP" who never washes her clothes because its a waste of resources.

You get the picture?

In real life you would have congratulated the person who brought green soap powder, you would have patted them on the back for making a good choice.
On the forum however she is now left feeling like she can never EVER possibly reach an acceptable level and she may as well go and chop some pandas heads off.

The catalyst for me was joining a vegan forum a few days ago.
I was super excited about it!

The creator is a vegan I admire greatly and the food is amazing, so I was really looking forwards to joining. (No I'm not naming it, some of the people there were very nice).

So I joined and went through the posts and said hi and thought "This is sooooo coooool! I love this place!" 

Then I made a mistake.

I admitted that I had rescue hens and maybe ate an egg a week.

Immediately I was bombarded with "You're not a vegan then"

Well.... Yeah I am...

A vegan is one who seeks to eliminate animal suffering and exploitation as much as possible, a vegan consume no animal product, but as I live how I live and wanted to offer these hens some freedom and compassion after their bad start in life I wasn't exploiting or hurting anyone was I?

Grey area.

Nope I was told in no uncertain terms that I absolutely was not a vegan and shouldn't call myself one. I was offered "Ethical vegetarian".


You want to throw me a bone and say I can stay as a slightly yukky pet so long as I know my place?

Correct me if I'm wrong but if they can be vegan and still feed meat to their pets (directly contributing to the meat industry), take medication tested on animals and containing animal products like milk and opt to have the flu jab (suspended in egg) why the hell can't I call myself a vegan???

I rescued those hens, they have no cockerel so the eggs are not fertilized, they will lay no matter what I do but I MUST NOT EAT THEM!!

Apparently I can give the eggs away or feed them to the dogs but I MUST NOT EAT THEM!!

But wait... If I gave the eggs to someone else isn;t that passing the buck? Isn't that like the Christian who won't kill but is happy to let someone else do it while he watches?

Forgive me... I don't GET this?

You can buy factory farmed meat for your cat but I can't eat an egg from my rescue hens?

Now You know apart from this egg (and it really is 1 or 2 a week TOPS) I am 100% vegan. When the hens don't lay I don't BUY eggs, I never eat eggs elsewhere, and all my friends know that vegans don't eat eggs and so they don't serve them to me.

This narrow minded black and white view is what has made me throw in the towel.

After this thread I was in bed worrying about the fact that all of a sudden people didn't like me.

I had allowed myself to be cyberbullied.

I am a person who understands the grey in all areas.
I don't need to follow the rules to do the right thing.
I don't need the acceptance of groups to make me feel good.

vegan is not a diet it is a lifestyle.

I AM vegan.    

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Ladies!! Save the planet!! Every month!

First things first.... the more squeamish men among you may wish to go do something manly about now. Dig a hole, light a fire, club some tofu... Because this post is about WOMANLY things ;)

That's right folks.... The painters are in. The Cardinal is in town. Great Aunt is here for the week.

Between staring to menstruate and going through the menopause, a woman could use @ 12000 disposable sanitary products, and if you go for a belt and braces approach (ie tampon AND towel) you're looking at a whole lot more!
However, while many women are happy to consider the use of reusable nappies (diapers) for 2 or 3 years, many are still amazingly squeamish about the thought of dealing with their own MONTHLY disposables. That's @ 35 years or so of throwing away tampons and towels and not just the product itself, but the applicators (sometimes plastic) and the packaging (often non-recyclable). Not to mention the fact that most if these products are cotton based, sprayed with pesticides, bleached and then you..... well you know where it goes.

Can that be good for us?

Rise in ovarian cancer anyone?

Anyway I've been playing with some products and thought I'd be frank about them, demystify them, make them sound appealing?


I'll start you easy!

Reusable sanitary pads have come a long way.
I brought the Eco-Femme washable sanitary pads last year but the company I brought them from no longer stocks them.
However they are similar to many other brands I've looked at, in as much as they have "wings" which close around the crotch of your pants (panties) with a snap fastener.
I found them to be as easy to use as disposables and suitable for over night use.

Washing is easy.
A quick rinse under the tap and then wash as normal.
They dry super quick and so you only need @ 3 pads or so if you are at home and can wash them daily. You may want more if you are out and about.
If you need to change them during the day just take a small "nappy bag" with you to leave them in until you get home.

Mama Pads
Earthwise Girls
Draper's organic
WeMoon Menstral pads
Lollipop Washable Sanitary Pads
Moon rabbits cotton comforts

Some sites to get you started!
Of course I'm sure some handy ladies could run up their own at a fraction of the cost!

Now for the scary one!!


OK, I will admit the Mooncup freaked me out at first. Not the idea of it (basically a silicon "cup" that sits inside the vagina and collects the menstrual flow) but the SIZE of the damn thing!
Which is silly when I've had sex and have three kids and its no where NEAR as big as .... OK, moving on....

The mental barrier you have to get through is the fact that while you're thinking "tampon" the mooncup looks like a giant plumbers mate.
Also unlike a tampon you have to get personal.
The most popular tampons are still the ones that come with applicators which mean you can keep your delicate repressed hands away from any "naughty" bits.

Oh come on!

Suck it up ladies and get acquainted with your womanly bits!
Yes, using a mooncup is definitely hands on but hugely rewarding for your bank balance, your health and the environment.

So here is a diagram so I don't have to say too much!

It also comes with a cute little baggie to keep it in!

Like a tampon you change the mooncup every 4-6 hrs or so, emptying the contents down the loo and washing or wiping the cup out before re-inserting it.
Does it feel huge?
Sure the first couple of times, much like when I was a teenager and using tampons, it feels like you have to waddle at first! 
By the end of day one though I'd got the hang of it and by day two I forgot I was wearing it at all.

No leaking (unlike tampons) and no mess.

Win win folks.

Anyway, that's my red letter day post. Any thoughts? 

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

World Vegan Day: meal suggestions

Linda Barbaro posted on the face Book page for World vegan day- " OK I can do it for a day. Any help? What can I have. Not what can't I have. :)"

The trouble is on the surface a Vegan diet seems highly restrictive with a long list of foods to avoid, BUT to make a list of foods you can eat would take years and be highly boring to read!
Most supermarkets have a list online of food in their stores that  is suitable for vegan, I have yet to get past the first page of any of them yet *yawn*.

So today I am going to post a few suggestions for meals to make on World Vegan day! Feel free to add your own ideas in the comments section :)


Yeah yeah yeah we know, its the most important meal of the day! but what do you usually have?

Cereal: Most plain cereal is vegan friendly. watch out for hidden D3 vitamins, go for D2 or none fortified cereals.
Porridge is fantastic as a slow release food.
You can make your own muesli by adding a few oats to your choice of fresh or dried fruit, seeds and nuts. Use none dairy milk and agave syrup rather than honey.

Cooked:  If you like scrambled egg you need to try scrambled tofu! Like this real "manly man!!"


A quick search on youtube will yield lots of other methods!

You can serve it on toast or as part of a cooked breakfast.
Vegan sausages, grilled tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, slices of fried smoked tofu.... Mmmm.

Toast: toast toast toast! Quick and easy whats not to love! Marmite on toast (with vegan spread) is a great source of B vitamins. Peanut butter is a great protein boost. I like to add a sprinkle of nutritional yeast flakes to peanut butter to add B vits :)

Light meals

A lot of people come unstuck when faced with lunch. If you have been surviving on cheese sarnies you'll wonder what on earth you can eat!

Some easy sandwich/wrap/roll fillings:
Hummus and salad
Smoked tofu and bean sprouts with vegan mayonnaise.
P,B & J!
Mushroom pate (recipe to follow soon)
Mashed beans in hot sauce.
Fake cheese and pickle.   

The trick is to pack in flavour and texture. A slice of fake cheese between two slices of bread is dull, add pickle, salad, grated carrot, vegan mayo, sliced peppers, onion etc, although maybe not all at the same time!

Don't forget the power of soup as a meal on the go! Make your own for superior flavour and nutritional value or check out canned soups that are suitable for vegans.
When I make soup I always go for a mix of veg and a high protein source like beans and lentils. You can leave it chunky or blend it smooth or have it somewhere in the middle :)

Other foods that travel well for lunch at work/school are:

Couscous or rice, with veggies, raisins and nuts.
Small portions of pasta in tomato based sauces.

Most leftovers from an evening meal can be packed for lunch.

Add fruit juice, water, a piece of fruit and a none dairy yogurt for a power packed lunch.

Main meal. 

Vegan main meals are easy  to make and prepare. Some family style ideas are:

Curry and rice, many Indian curries are meat free and rely heavily on lentils (dahl) or beans and vegetables.
Chili and rice/baked potato. Either make a bean heavy chili or replace the beef mince with TVP pr veggie mince.
Chinese stir fry: sliced veggies, tofu, rice noodles... yum! 

Spaghetti bolognese, use a tomato based sauce and some veggie mince /tvp.
Shepherd-less pie, again you can use TVP instead of mince or you could make it with brown lentils, both versions are good! Make your own gravy or use a vegan store brought one. Either way a good spoonful of marmite makes that "meaty" flavour come out and also add important vitamins.
Veggie loaf "roast" The magical loaf studio is a fantastic online tools that helps you make a veggie loaf recipe out of the ingredients YOU have to hand! Serve with roast potatoes and veggies with gravy! (also slices well cold for sandwiches!!)

Don't forget that many shop brought jars of sauce (pasta/curry/etc) are suitable for vegans, just check the labels! Nothing simpler than chucking a jar of sauce onto some cooked pasta for a quick meal!
There are also a heap of mock meats that  you can use to replace meat in a meal.

What to replace!
 Your own cook books are still very much a help to you!

When a recipe calls for milk use none dairy milk instead.
Any meat can be replaced with either a straight swap for mock meat or by using beans or lentils.
Butter can be substituted with oil or vegan margarine.   
Eggs in baking can be replaced with a sup of soya milk that has been curdled with a spoon of cider vinegar (really!).
Eggs for glazing can be replaced with none dairy milk.

What about snacks?
Ok we all know this is the bit where I should say fruit.... So.... Fruit!

Now thats over we can look at the real snacks *evil chuckle*
Some store brought goods are vegan, ginger biscuits, bourbons and dark chocolate are usually ok, but (again!) check the labels first!
Crisps (chips for you US folks!) are another danger point. Even safe sounding flavours like salt and vinegar can have milk in them in the form of powder. Normally plain crisps are fine but some surprising vegan flavours can be found, beef and onion and BBQ are often vegan friendly!

If you have a sweet tooth it pays to learn how to bake. Vegan cupcakes take over the world takes you on a sweet food porn journey that has vegans and omnivores salivating in delight!


So I hope this post helped some of you who where wondering what to eat! Comment if you have any questions or ask on the wall at World Vegan day on Face Book.   

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Vegan store cupboard- World Vegan Day Post.

The thought of eating vegan seems to fill most people with a sort of slow, creeping dread.

What the hell am I going to eat!!!!??????

Even the limited cupboard of a confirmed meat eater is likely to yield the ingredients of a vegan meal.

But what DO vegans eat?

The common misconception is that the vegan diet is salad and lentils, alone, dry, boooooorrring.

Well YEAH I’d be pretty bored too if that all I had to eat, but….

But what if I told you that vegans ate stir fries and curries, south American food, junk food, snacks, cakes, fried food and all manner of highly flavoured meals.

Can a Thai curry with its rich creamy coconut milk base and mouth tingling chillies be called bland?

Could a rich hot Mexican chilli, with white rice be boring?

How about fried chips with a selection of sauces and dips, crispy onion rings and battered tofu? Sound gross?

To be vegan is to be inventive, to look at every recipe and understand that it only needs a couple of items replacing to make it vegan.

I kept all my cook books, even the meat heavy ones, 99% of the recipes within can be adapted.

There is no need to miss out on any of your favourite meals.

Vegan means compassionate eating, not a life of chewing dried mung beans and navel gazing.

Some store cupboard staples make life a lot easier though, so here’s a few things you might consider getting in for World Vegan Day.

TOFU. (Most major supermarkets)

Much maligned and often used incorrectly, tofu is a great source of protein and a must have health food for any post-menopausal woman (and the rest of us!). Scare stories abound about Soya, but the general consensus is that consumed in moderation it is a healthy food and a great friend to the vegan.

Tofu comes in many kinds though and it is IMPERITIVE that you use the right one for the job!

Firm tofu (from the fridge section), is your guy for using as a straight meat replacer in stir fries, curries etc. drain well and weight down between two clean tea towels to really firm it up so that it keeps its shape when cooking.

Firm tofu (UHT packed) is no good for cooking in chunks. Makes good mock scrambled “egg” and can be blitzed with a blender to make sauces and dips.

Silken tofu (UHT packed) lighter than UHT firm, use as above, also good in smoothies.

Smoked tofu (from the fridge section) tastes like bacon!! Fantastic in sandwiches, wraps etc, stir fry’s. very very firm.

Braised tofu (Some supermarkets), sheets of tofu, packed in brine and in a tin. A good tuna replacement.

TEMPAH (Some supermarkets, independent shops/whole food)

Like tofu, this Indonesian Soya bean food can be used in numerous ways. Often come in jars of brine in flat sausage shapes.

MILK ALTERNATIVES (All Major supermarkets)

Soya milk can be an acquired taste when drunk alone, but is very good for tea and cooking. Be sure to use unsweetened milk for savoury cooking!

Other common milks are rice, almond, and oat.

When using milks that have added calcium and vitamins make sure that they are suitable for vegans. Some use Vitamin D3, which is derived from sheep’s wool! D2 is vegan friendly!

Another thing to note is that Soya milk should be purchased from companies who are rainforest friendly. As Soya is grown cheaply for cattle feed many supermarkets now produce their own brand Soya milk. This is not guaranteed rainforest friendly! Alpro Soya and Provamil both have good ethics.

NUTRITIONAL YEAST FLAKES (Independent food shops/whole food)

These cheesy flavoured flakes are not only yummy but are packed with B vitamins. Sprinkle on soups, pasta, even on toast for a vitamin boost.


Savoury yeast spread full of B vitamins, add to stews for a “meaty” flavour, spread on toast and crumpets.


Nearly all margarine has milk in it somewhere. In the UK there are only a few spreads that are vegan.

Pure (all major supermarkets) a choice of Soya or sunflower spread, Vegan society approved.

Vitalite (Most major supermarkets) Suitable for Vegans BUT made by dairy crest, so debatable if it can really be “vegan”. Personal choice.

Suma (online, independent shops) Vegan sunflower spread.


Agave syrup (Most supermarkets) syrup from the agave plant, sweeten drinks and cereal and use in place of honey.

Parmezano (most supermarkets) parmesan cheese replacer in a shaker, nice to add to mock mac n cheese!

Mayola vegan mayonnaise (Most supermarkets) I found this while I was still an lacto-ovo veggie and couldn’t find a decent free range egg mayo, they all tasted nasty! This meanwhile was lovely and is still a sandwich staple!

TVP (Textured vegetable protien) Deydrated soya mince, great for chilli's and pasta sauces.


Crisps! Even flavours that don’t appear on the surface to have any animals in it (i.e. salt and vinegar) can still use whey powder and lactic acid in the flavouring. Never trust, always check the label. Perversely steak and onion walkers crisps are vegan… go figure.

Bread. Some bread will have dairy products in it. Look out for milk powder, whey powder etc.

Drinks. Not all drinks are vegan. Even some Soya drinks contain milk! This is more often in drinks brought from Asian markets.

Chips/hash browns/ croquettes. Anything that has a coating is potentially none vegan. Yes even plain old chips!

Sweets. Most sweets contain gelatine, milk products, or egg products.

It sounds hard work, reading labels, but its really all you should be doing anyway.

To pick food blindly and not check what you are putting in your body is foolish for vegan and meat eater alike.


Whey /Whey powder (milk)

Milk/ Milk powder (Milk)

Lactic acid (Some is vegetable derived)

Lactose (Milk)

Casein (Milk)

Rennet (extract of calf stomach)

Albumen (from egg white or blood)

Aspic (Meat/fish jelly)

Carmine/ Carminic acid (red dye from bugs!)

Cholecalciferol (Vit D3 from fish or Lanolin)

Glycerine (Animal fat)

Isinglass (fresh fish air bladder)

Lanolin (sheep’s wool fat)

Lecithin (egg yolk fat)

Shellac (Insect secretion)

Stearin/ Stearin acid (Form animals fat)


Notice how many of these hidden animal products are the kind that crop up in processed food?

Why else would you eat sheep wool fat?

If you are eating a good diet of fruit, veg, whole grains and protein foods like beans, peas and Soya, you will not even come across most of these things. Pick up some sweets a packet of crisps and a cheap pre-made sandwich and you have them by the truck load!

Learning to look at labels is a good lesson in food generally even if you don’t decide to go vegan.

Any questions or other vegan stuff you want covered please comment here or on the FB event page!

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