Sunday, 1 November 2009

Time for a change?

I really enjoy blogging.
I love the freedom I have to write what I think, even if I'm the only person who ever reads it. Unlike a diary I don't have to keep it a secret or writ in it every day (dear diary, had toast for breakfast...again). I can add links and write about current affairs and about all the other stuff in my head that seems to have no other place to go.

I love The (almost) car-less family blog but recently things have taken a turn in the road.

And if anyone out there is reading and has an opinion I would love to hear what you think about the evolution of my little blog world.

Personally I think the blog is getting a little crowded and am thinking of starting a second blog, one that leans more towards the vegan/ permaculture side of my life.
I worry that people who turn up wanting an alternative transport blog will be put off by Peta stickers and vegan recipes!

This may make my online life a little schizophrenic but its how I feel at the moment.

What I want to know is if you agree with any (or as many)of the following statements. Please copy and paste onto a comment with any added thoughts of your own...I really want people to get a full on experience when they come here :)


1. I think the blog is fine as it is.

2. I would prefer a bike only/ vegan only blog.

3. I like the content of both and would visit both blogs.

4. I like some of the content and might visit the other blog when a relevant link is posted.

5. I would like the bike blog to also tackle family issues (home school health etc)

6. I would like the vegan blog to also contain family issues.

7. I have no opinion on any changes to the blog.

I think that what I am leaning towards is posting as relevant in each blog, both carrying home and enviromental issues and sometimes linking to the other blog.

Really want some opinions here!!



  1. Kelly I really enjoy reading your blog as it is. You have a great whole package thing going on. From carlessness to homeschooling, its great to read another family's journey through the world of eco-friendly living, in all its aspects.

    I'm relativily new to being serious about living green and your posts have taught me alot about walking the talk. And its really opened my eyes to veganism, which wouldn't have happened if your vegan posts had been on another blog.

    For me if you started another vegan blog I'd visit it if you posted links to it in this blog. But this would be the blog I'd come to see what you where up to most often. Its so hard to find time to get to more than a few blogs, tweet, write my own posts etc.... With a 1 and 3 year old I barely have time to sit down, well you know how it is with 3 yourself.

    But I can see how you would want to have two blogs and devote more time in each to relevent topics.

    I hope I've been helpful ;) Good luck with your decision.

  2. Thank you so much Andrea for your kind comment! :)
    I must admit I LOVE doing the blog as it is...putting ALL of me in it as it were. I was starting to worry that it was getting a little too crowded for some though.
    I'm plesed to have given you a glimps of veganism and hopefully shown you its not just weirdy beardy lentil munchers ;)
    I am not rushing into anything so the blog will remain as is for the while :)

  3. I agree with Andrea....don't change it! I like it just the way it is! From personal experience it's really, really hard to keep to blogs up and going. One of them ends up getting a lot more attention and eventually, one gets abandoned or severely neglected.

    It's YOUR blog, make it what you want it to be. I think it's pretty well-rounded and represents YOU.

  4. I love this blog Kel, I would probably find it hard to follow 2 and I like the diversity you've got going on with your subjects!

  5. OK!! I get the picture :D
    Im so happy the blog is coming across like this!

    I love that you all enjoy the variations in the posts and are interested in some of the issues I raise, esspecially the ones you may not have thought of before.

    The blog stays as it is and will continue no doubt to become even more varied ;)

    *hugs to you all!*



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