Wednesday, 12 August 2009

The veggie garden, an essential!!

I had a separate garden blog (see blogs I follow) but I have decided to consolidate the two.
After all what can be more "food miles" friendly than walking out the door and picking food from the garden.
Our garden has been a working progress for the last 3 or 4 years and every year we seem to grow a little more.
We have planted apple trees and berry bushes, potato's and courgettes, onions and garlic, peas and beans, and every year I see a gap where I should have planted more. Next year the emphasis will be onb lots and lots of peas and beans to dry and eat over the winter, an essential part of the vegan diet!!
I got my groceries delivered yesterday and for the first time really noticed how much money I had spent on what seemed like a very little amount of food...and we are lucky! We are eating around 80% of our veggies and soft fruit from home for free!

Anyway, we are working hard converting the garden to be as none dig as possible. This is where we can justify keeping the horses! Every bed that is picked clean of produce is now used as a muck heap until winter, this way when I want to dig beds over in early spring there is already a good layer of natural and organic fertiliser waiting on top, nicely rotted down.

I also think I would like to invest in some temporary chicken fencing so that over the winter I can let the chickens run out on the spent beds, digging up larvae and complementing their food with other bugs and weed shoots.

Growing a proportion of your own food is an option even for the family that lives in a 10th floor apartment, there is always a windowsill for herbs or a dark cupboard for seed sprouts.
Take a look at your living space with new eyes and see what you can grow today :)

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