I'll hold your hand I PROMISE and it'll be fun and its only ONE day, although who knows?
One of the things that stops many people making the step to go vegan is fear.
All vegan jokes talk about the pale, sickly, sandle wearing, hippy skited, pious and preaching vegan and no one wants to be labeled a "lentil muncher".
People are not stupid.
They know that thoughtless meat consumption is not healthy for anyone, not their body, their environment (local AND global) and their own mental well being.
People are not stupid.
They know that Animals die to make meat and milk, they know factory farms are the worst invention of the cruelest nature, that modern slaughter houses employ the dregs of humanity and that few of these workers care about sending an animal off with dignity.
People are not stupid.
They understand that animals pumped with drugs to keep them alive in filthy conditions compromises their OWN health and are possibly a factor in the modern resistance to anti-biotics.
People are not stupid.
They wouldn't keep their dog in a cage he couldn't turn round in in a dark room for his whole life. They wouldn;t think that a kind end for him would be a slapdash stunning and having his throat cut still half (or fully) conscious.
People are not stupid.
They know that huge concentrations of farm animals mean huge amounts of waste, waste that spills into the surrounding areas and pollutes rivers, killing fish and plant life.
People are not stupid.
They understand the madness behind using prime agricultural land to grow food to feed farm animals to them eat. They know it makes sense to cut out the "middle man".
People are not stupid.
They can see beyond the scare studies against dairy alternatives (funded by milk boards), they know that too much dairy steals away more calcium from their bones than not eating anything calcium giving. Osteoporosis is a western affliction and almost unheard of in countries where dairy is not consumed.
I KNOW people are not stupid.... but sometimes they need a little kick up the arse ;)
So how about it?
If anyone here is willing to give it a go for ONE day I can help, maybe make up a meal planner for the day, give you a shopping list.
Give me some suggestions but don't go quiet on me!!!
Who will try this for me?
More importantly, who will try this for THEMSELVES?
Don't take my word for it, be smart and look it up for yourselves.
Do yourself a favour and please watch.
Watch more videos at PETA.org
Do yourself a favour and please watch.
The Vegan Society
Peta UK
Compassion In World Farming